Advanced Placement (AP) Programs


The Advanced Placement (AP) Program is a course level in high school that is intended to academically prepare students for university through courses that are of college rigor. Created by CollegeBoard, AP courses can potentially provide college credit and increase students' weighted GPAs. There are 40 different AP exams offered, but availability of courses are dependent on the high school that the student attends.


Format of The AP Exam

The exam is always provided during May, towards the end of the school year. Most AP exams are around 3 hours long with a multiple choice and free response sections. After the conclusion of the exam, it takes around 2-3 months for the exam to be scored and will appear between the number of 1-5 (5 being the highest score received). 3 is usually considered "passing," but many colleges do not take 3 as college credit.

want to score high on the ap exam?

Royal Education - AP FAQ's

How many AP's should I take?

The number of AP's a student should take is really dependent on the grade level and ability for student to take on the rigor. Many times, the type of AP will sometimes dictate the difficulty of the student's school year. College counseling is recommended in order to navigate the complexity of selecting AP courses.


What if I am uncertain about taking a specific AP due to its difficulty?

This is a common concern that many students have. Royal Education recommends that the student learn some of the content in the particular AP class during the summer to better understand whether the student should take the course. Another viable option is to take the AP course during the first weeks when it is still possible to change class schedules to get an idea of the course's difficulty. But, it is important to note that the first weeks of any AP course tends to not be difficult, so be wary of this possibility.